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篇名 「萌芽」校長的培育:中小學校長職前培育臨床實習實施之研究
卷期 73
並列篇名 The Implementation of Internship in School Principal Preparation Program
作者 宋秋儀
頁次 048-062
關鍵字 校長職前培育校長職前實習校長專業成長principal professional developmentprincipal preparationprincipal internship
出刊日期 201105




A lot is expected of principals, yet very little is known about principals' internship preparation program in Taiwan. The purpose of this paper is to provide an understanding of principal preparation and training in Taipei City by providing a background discussion of principal preparation process, specifically internship. Taipei Municipal University of Education is well-known for its initial preparation of school principals. The research method uses several qualitative methods, including triangulation, interview, field study and observation. The results comprise key challenges that confront the current internship operation. These challenges include (1) internship should be designed as one-year course, (2) mentor principals should be well-chosen, (3) mentor principals' pedagogy should focus more on the process of problem solving, (4) the design of internship should include curriculum leadership training, and (5) internship should include communication, strategic skill and dressing advise for future principals.
