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篇名 學校組織文化及教師工作價值觀對教學效能影響之研究
卷期 73
並列篇名 The Study on Influence of School Organizational Culture and Teacher Work Value on Teaching Effectiveness
作者 張和然江俊龍
頁次 083-102
關鍵字 工作價值觀組織文化教學校能Organizational CultureWork Value and to Teaching Effectiveness
出刊日期 201105




The purpose of this study is to research the Teaching Efficiency that are influenced by Work Value and Organization Culture, and make an empirical study surveyed from the junior high schools' teachers in Yilan County. During the study, at first I had to collect the theories, documents, and researches of related scholars. And then basing on these resources, I made the survey form titled “The questionnaire on Influence of School Organizational Culture and Teacher Work Value on Teaching Effectiveness.” Afterward, on the use of the survey study methods, I took the public junior high schools' teachers as the objects to do the questionnaire survey.After gathering back the questionnaire, I did the reliability analysis and factor analysis first (to compute the factor loading), to establish the researching tools' reliability and validity. And then I can proceed the formal testing with using T test, Correlation Analysis, Regression Analysis, What's the influence of the School Organizational Culture and Teacher Work Value on Teaching Effectiveness?
