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篇名 國民小學學校品牌運作之分析
卷期 73
並列篇名 An Analysis on the Operation of School Brand in Elementary Schools
作者 張淑貞蘇雅雯
頁次 125-144
關鍵字 品牌學校品牌品牌形象品牌權益品牌偏好brandschool brandbrand imagebrand equitybrand preference
出刊日期 201105




schools begin to pay attention to school-brand. However, the present elementary schools lack branding strategy. Thus, this paper proposed the following three suggestions according to previous studies.For education authorities:Education authorities can use the budget of batches using the drip irrigation to plant crops generally, and then they obtain more substantial results.For the institute of education:The school staff s play an important role in the building school brand process. Thus, if the educational institutions want to create staffs' mind, they should set awarding system, and stress the communication between staff s and school leader.For students' parents and community residents:Students' parents can more understand the operation of the school brand through activities of school. In addition, schools should incorporate community resource to develop a characteristic of school and to set up its brand.
