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篇名 僑生大學生活適應輔導之初探
卷期 73
並列篇名 The Counseling of Overseas Students' Life Adjustments in Universities in Taiwan
作者 洪子琪
頁次 145-156
關鍵字 大學僑生僑輔人員生活適應University Overseas StudentsOverseas counselorsLife adjustment
出刊日期 201105




The face of rising global competitiveness, more and more overseas students returning to Taiwan to enroll in university, how can we continue to attract outstanding overseas Chinese who come to Taiwan to carry out Taiwan's international visibility, promotion and implementation of national diplomacy, the establishment of a new image of Taiwan Strengthen the interactions between Taiwan and the international perspective of students and improve the quality of manpower. Most overseas students come from economically disadvantaged residing in Southeast Asia, in the face of economic, academic and school new life, new environment, multiple adaptation, from different places overseas students residing in how to quickly adapt and integrate into the domestic life Is very worthy of our concern.
