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篇名 國民小學校長對績效管理的覺知
卷期 73
並列篇名 Elementary School Principals' Perception of Performance Management
作者 曾兆興
頁次 157-183
關鍵字 校長管理覺知績效管理principalsmanagementperceptionsperformance management
出刊日期 201105




professional dignity and teaching effectiveness can be raised through praising and performance award strategies. School administrators might use it as part of evaluation process, which led to improve teacher's underperformance. The purpose of this study is to explore the elementary school principals' perception of performance management. Data were collected via interviews, and a semi-structured interview protocol was designed to probe a variety of dimensions related to the performance management. Participants involved four elementary principals from Changhua County. The results show that performance management can play a significant role in diagnosing problem and improving school effectiveness simultaneously. It will also lead school into progress and development. This study on the dimension of performance management findings were as follow: 1. The force of perception involved an image of performance and the climate of communication. 2. The context of action involved the implementation of performance management and the educational context. 3. The transformative reflection involved the management style and the extent to which performance management embedded. Finally, based on the conclusion of this study, the researcher proposes several suggestions to the education practitioners, education administrative authority and future researchers to improve the school effectiveness and to raise the effect of performance management.
