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篇名 國民小學校長教學領導與學生學習成就之研究
卷期 75
並列篇名 A Study of the Relations between Principal Instructional Leadership and Student Learning Achievement in the Elementary School
作者 李安明鄭采珮劉志昀
頁次 001-020
關鍵字 國民小學校長教學領導學生學習成就Th e elementary schoolsPrincipal’s Instruction LeadershipStudent’s learning achievement
出刊日期 201109




Th is research is about understanding the existing circumstances of
elementary school principal’s instruction leadership and student’s learning achievement; the diff erent perceptions of elementary school educators with diverse backgrounds; and the correlation between principal’s instruction leadership and student’s learning achievement. Th is research was conducted by administering questionnaires. Samples were drawn from 84 principals, 342 teachers who also work as administrative staff s and 449 full-time teachers, of 84 public elementary schools in Taoyuan County, Hsinchu City, Hsinchu County and MiaoLi County. Th ere are totally 741 copies of eff ective samples collected. Th e conclusions are summarized as follows:
1. Th e elementary school educators generally have high perceptions
of principal’s instruction leadership and student’s learning achievement.
2. Signifi cant variations were found in the diff erent perceptions on
principal’s instruction leadership and student’s learning achievement exist in the elementary school educators with diverse backgrounds.
3. Th ere is a signifi cant correlation between elementary school principal’s instruction leadership and student’s learning achievement.
4. Th e elementary school principal’s instruction leadership, including
“Improving the Climate of Student’s Learning” and “Improving the
Growth of Teacher’s Specialty” could signifi cant predict student’s learning achievement.
