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篇名 論教師領導對教師專業發展之影響
卷期 75
並列篇名 Talk About the Infl uence on Teacher Professional Development of Teacher Leadership
作者 張本文
頁次 021-036
關鍵字 教師領導教師專業發展teacher leadershipteacher professional development
出刊日期 201109




It is country’s future competitiveness to make education in the highly
competitive era of knowledge-driven economy of now. So long as can know the fi rst chance of education can be got and won the trend. Construction
of high-quality professional education of teachers should fi rst stimulate the vitality of community activity in order to make professional
management skills and creative thinking sustainable heritage.
Any organization has its own specifi c objectives. To achieve this
goal we must rely on all members of the joint cooperation and eff orts.
Leadership is part of the core position. Th e core function is teaching and learning in schools. Teacher leadership is able to grasp the teaching innovation, enhance teaching quality, organizational eff ectiveness of the dynamic neural excitation hub. I believe by the school’s vision is the concept of community leaders, making the output of passionate teachers will of the strong leadership and energy. Professionalization of teaching through the drive, and to strengthen the school’s professional community, to share leadership of the operation of such organizations. Shaping executive powers complement each other and work together to create a win-win school culture. Schools will be able to enhance the competitiveness and vitality to achieve sustainable performance of the school.
