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篇名 國中教師工作壓力、家庭壓力與生活品質之研究
卷期 75
並列篇名 A Study on the Teacher Work Stress, Family Stress, and Quality of Life for Junior High School Teachers
作者 柯澍馨簡聿悊
頁次 064-082
關鍵字 臺北市國中教師工作壓力家庭壓力生活品質junior high school teachers in Taipeiteacher work stress, family stressquality of life
出刊日期 201109




Th e purpose of the study was to investigate the relationships between
teacher work stress, family stress and quality of life of junior High
School teachers in Taipei. Th e analysis was based on questionnaires of
533 teachers in 28 Junior High School in Taipei. Th e sample was selected
by purposing sampling. Th e questionnaire consists of three sections: Personal Background Survey, Teacher Work Stress Scale, Family Stress Scale, and Quality of Life Scale. After statistical analysis, the major fi ndings of the study were: (1) Th e teacher’s work stress tended to “medium-high” level. (2) Th e teacher’s family stress tended to “low” level. (3) Th e teacher’s quality of life tended to “good” situation. (4) Th ere was a signifi cant difference between “quality of life” and “work stress”, “family stress”. (5) Th ere was a negative signifi cant low relationship between “teacher work stress” and “family stress” for junior high school teachers.
