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篇名 創意教師的教學信念之個案研究──以國小教師為例
卷期 75
並列篇名 A Case Study of Creative Teacher’s Teaching Beliefs: Take Elementary School Teacher’s Instance
作者 張如莉陳淑美
頁次 083-103
關鍵字 創意教師創意教學教學信念creative teachercreative teachingteaching beliefs
出刊日期 201109




Th is article aims at exploring how “creative Teaching Beliefs” infl uence
teaching practices. Th rough interviewing two Taichung elementary school teachers who had won the prizes---”Excellent Teaching Silver Medal” and “Reading Award”from the Ministry of Education, we fi nd out that teaching faith of the creative teachers is as follows: fi rst, to guide students to learn and cultivate their wisdom from life; second, to become students’ mentors and encourage students to enhance confi - dence in learning; third, to create a warm, respectful and diverse learning
surroundings. Druing teachers’teaching, teachers should put emphasis
on interaction with students’ learning.Besides,creative teachers should
also strengthen their own teaching beliefs and learn new information
constantly in order to teach eff ectively and well. Th erefore,being aware of teaching faith and goals prior to the courses, teachers will be able to do eff ective teaching and help students enhance learning.
