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篇名 校長跨界領導之初探
卷期 75
並列篇名 A Primary Study on Principal’s Cross-border Leadership
作者 謝傳崇朱紋秀
頁次 118-130
關鍵字 校長校長學跨界校長領導校長跨界領導principalprincipal theorycross-borderprincipal leadershipprincipal’s cross-border leadership
出刊日期 201109


校長跨界領導在於促進組織合作,以因應快速變遷的環境,進而提昇學校效能。本文首先說明校長跨界領導的意義;其次,論述校長跨界領導的內涵;最後,提出校長跨界領導之可行策略,以作為校長之參考。包括 :(一)積極推動組織變革;(二)展現誠信與關懷;(三)設置溝通對話平台;(四)成立跨功能合作團隊;希能藉由校長跨界領導,突破原有的界限,共同協力合作、創新經營,提升學生的學習品質,進而增進整體教育競爭力。


If the school wants to be survived, it must rely on the principal’s cross-border leadership. Th e research methods include literature review. This study fi rstly illustrates the meaning of principal’s cross-border leadership; secondly, the researcher discusses the contents of principal’s
cross-border leadership. Lastly, the study discusses the feasible strategies to develop principal’s cross-border for reference. They include to promote actively organizational change, appear good faith and care, establish communication and dialogue platforms, set up cross-functional team cooperation. Th erefore, it is hoped that through principal’s cross-border leadership, it can break original border to collaborate and innovate management, it can promote students’ learning quality, and enhance educational competition.
