
地圖 : 中華民國地圖學會會刊

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篇名 運用地理資訊系統於數值圖資編圖模式化研究
卷期 16
並列篇名 Modeling GIS-based Cartographic Layout Using Imagery and Digital Maps
作者 劉慶堂王明志曾正雄
頁次 11-20
關鍵字 地理資訊系統地圖元素數值圖資Geographic Information SystemElements of CartographyDigital Maps and Imagery
出刊日期 200606




In recent years, there are many GIS software support basic cartographic layout functions or interactive ones for users. However, there is no software providing perfect methods or modules to produce official maps. This research based on SuperGIS is aiming to model the elements of Cartography in an official 1/5000 photo base map published by Arial Survey Office, Forestry Bureau. Its results have been testified and the connections among the elements analyzed. It is hoped that the model of cartographic layout and its feasibility is useful to the work flow for automatic map compiling.
