
地圖 : 中華民國地圖學會會刊

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篇名 大學入學考試地理資訊試題分析
卷期 16
並列篇名 A Study on the Geographic Information Exam Questions of the College Entrance Examination
作者 林芳瑜賴進貴
頁次 167-190
關鍵字 地理教育地理資訊測驗分析Geographic EducationGeographical InformationTest Analysis
出刊日期 200606




Facing the information era and increasing international competitions, the proficiency of geographic information of senior high school students is a fundamental quality of future citizens. Yet, such issues have not attracted much research interest. This research uses the test result of College Entrance Examination as material to explore the ratios, accomplishment of students, and adequacy of questions related geographic information subjects. We first identified and selected questions related to geographical information from the questions sheets. The difficulty, discrimination, and distribution of items of these selected questions were further analyzed. The results of such analysis indicate that the difficulty and discrimination of the questions are slightly higher than the average while not significant statistically. Based on analysis of individual questions, we further identified the difficult concept and myths of geographic information subject and made suggestions to high schools geography education.
