
地圖 : 中華民國地圖學會會刊

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篇名 以XML技術建置空間資訊流通系統
卷期 16
並列篇名 Development of XML-Based Geo-Spatial Information Distribution System
作者 李振燾
頁次 191-204
關鍵字 可擴展標示語言空間資訊空間資料庫資料庫設計物件導向XML extensible Markup LanguageGeospatial InformationGeospatial DatabaseDatabase DesignObject-oriented
出刊日期 200606


隨著網際網路及全球資訊網的快速發展,將空間資訊以不同資料格式整合顯示於網頁瀏覽器已成為目前重要發展趨勢。但空間資訊系統包含資料格式有向量式及影像式,若配合多媒體型式展示,更可細分為文字、影像、動畫、影片、音效等,要將這些多媒體元件顯示於瀏覽器,就技術面是已不成問題。但如何將空間資訊系統包含展示、計算、分析等功能納入資訊網頁,卻是個值得探討的課題。可擴展標示語言XML(eXtendible Markup Language)是一個簡單、具彈性、跨平台且功能強大的網頁製作技術,考量作業平台及系統整合課題,擬以XML技術進行系統整合。在資料庫設計及應用方面,本研究依物件導向資料庫原理設計與建構空間資料庫,祈能提供一般性圖資外,更可依地區、資料內容、使用者需求,執行展示、分析、計算等功能,達到建置專業性及整合性之空間資訊流通系統目標。


The World Wide Web has emerged as an extraordinarily successful medium for the transfer of information between computers and people. To exaggerate only slightly, any machine can be used to serve any kind of data with the confident assumption that it can be used by anyone in the world with a computer and an Internet connection. We introduce XML (eXtensible Markup Language) as a simple, flexible, and powerful way for computers to exchange metadata and control information, not only with humans, but also with each other. In order to interoperate, display and retrieve the various and heterogeneous Geographic Information (GIS) in World Wide Web maybe need some complicate systems. The XML structure, introduced in this study, can be applied to interoperate data established and to make the systems and applications extendable. Finally, to develop the spatial data distribution management system is the main goal in this study.
