
地圖 : 中華民國地圖學會會刊

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篇名 環境污染與惡性腫瘤空間關係-以癌症地圖之肝癌及肺癌為例
卷期 16
並列篇名 Spatial Relations between Environmental Pollution and Malignant Tumors-A Case Study of Liver Cancer and Lung Cancer on Cancer Map
作者 范慶龍賴進貴
頁次 205-220
關鍵字 惡性腫瘤地理資訊系統癌症地圖Malignant TumorGeographic Information SystemCancer Map
出刊日期 200606


近年來醫學科技一日千里,多年前所謂「不治之症」的疾病,現在大部分皆可透過醫療或現代醫學技術而獲得有效的改善,也降低許多疾病的死亡率。但目前國內惡性腫瘤的死亡率並沒有因為醫療科技的進步而降低,反而屢創國內惡性腫瘤死亡率的新紀錄。本文試圖利用台灣地區95個主要工業區位置分布,研究環境污染因子與惡性腫瘤的空間關係,瞭解污染物質如何透過媒介(河流、地下水)影響該地區惡性腫瘤的發生率及死亡率。利用中華民國癌症地圖系統之卜瓦松趨勢面分析(Poisson Trend Surface)交叉比對工業區位置與肺癌、肝癌空間分布的關係,進一步利用地理資訊系統(Geographic Information System)的空間密度分析、環域分析及圖層套疊等功能,探討台灣地區肺癌及肝癌發生的空間關係,並結合衛生署所公佈各縣市地區惡性腫瘤死亡率統計資料,檢測環境污染因子與肺癌及肝癌分布之關連性。本研究希望透過GIS各種空間分析功能,提供未來在醫療地理在惡性腫瘤及慢性疾病領域內有效管理、監控及追蹤,建立一套台灣地區疾病追蹤及健康管理系統,對於各項疾病發生因子進行分析及預防,提升民眾生活環境品質與保障生命健康。


The rapid development of medical technology has allowed the better treatment of many incurable diseases, such as cancers. Such development, however, has not been able to help reduce the mortality from malignant tumours in Taiwan. Instead, the death rate repeatedly reaches higher peak. The crux of this paper lies in exploring the spatial relations between the factors that lead to environmental pollution and those that cause malignant tumours. By analyzing the spatial distribution of ninety-five main industrial zones in Taiwan, we seek to capture how environmental pollutants, through the spread of diverse media (e.g. rivers, groundwater), influence the occurrence and death rate of malignant tumours. Methodologically, we first utilize the poisson trend surface analysis of the Cancer Mapping System of the Republic of China to conduct a cross-comparison of the relations between industrial zones' location and the spatial distribution of lung and liver cancer. Secondly, we use Geographic Information System (GIS) to undertake density analysis, buffer analysis and overlay analysis of the spatial relationship of lung and liver cancer occurrence in Taiwan. Lastly, we use statistical data obtained from the National Health Administration, incorporating the death rate of malignant tumour in all counties to measure the relationship between the factors that lead to environmental pollution and those that cause the occurrence of lung and liver cancer. It is expected that this research provides an example of how GIS can contribute to effective management, monitoring and tracking of malignant tumours and other chronicle diseases. In the future, we suggest establishing a set of disease tracking and health administrative system, to facilitate the analysis and prevention of diseases and to ensure a better living environment for the public.
