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篇名 The Experience of Second Generation Lithotriptor for Treatment of Upper Urinary Tract Calculi in Children
卷期 9:4
並列篇名 二代體外震波碎石機在兒童上泌尿道結石之使用經驗
作者 陳煜朱聖賢陳孝文陳志碩莊正鏗周建中江仰仁
頁次 191-195
關鍵字 二代體外震波碎石機體外膿波碎石術泌尿道結石兒童Second generation lithotriptorshock wave lithotripsyurinary calculichildrenTSCI
出刊日期 199812


從1995年6月至1997年2月,共有10位5到18歲,患有腎及輸尿管結石之兒童在長庚紀念醫院接受體外震波碎石治療。每位病人以平均15.1KV 之能量接受十均3160次膿波衝擊,10顆結石共接受10次體外震波碎石術。除一位病人接受插管全身麻醉外,其餘病人僅需以 meperidine hydrochloride的靜脈方式予以鎮靜即可。除一位病人需住院外,其餘均以門診方式接受治療。經體外震波碎石治療後,結石破裂率可達100%,且結石消除率於六個月可達90%。我們並發現結石消除率會隨結石的體積增加而下降。在治療中只有一個病人因阻塞併發發燒,腰痛等輕微的早期併發症。因此,我門認為二代體外膿波碎石機可安全併有效地使用於患上泌尿道結石的兒童。


Between June 1995 and Feb. 1997, a total of 10 children 5 to 18 yrs old with renal and ureteral calculi underwent lithotripsy at the Chang Gung Memorial Hospital. Each patient re-ceived an average of 3160 shocks with generator energy set at 15.1 kV. General anesthesia was required for lithotripsy in only 1 child, while others received intravenous sedation with me-peridine hydrochloride. Majorities of pediatric lithotripsy treatments were performed on an out-patient basis, while that of 1 patient was done on an inpatient basis. Stone fragmentation was achieved in all patients (100%), and the overall stone-free rate at 6 mo was 90%. There was a continuous decrease in the stone-free rate with increasing stone size. Early minor complications, such as fever, pain,and obstruction were observed in 1 patient during treatment. We conclude that the second generation lithotripter can be used safely and efficiently to treat upper urinary tract calculi in children. (J Urol R.O.C., 9:191-195,1998)
