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篇名 Serum C-reactive Protein Change after Extracorporeal Shock Wave Lithotripsy
卷期 6:3
並列篇名 體外震波碎石術後血中C反應性蛋白之變化
作者 黃豐締李瀛輝吳東霖陳偉權簡邦平黃榮慶
頁次 154-158
關鍵字 C反應性蛋白體外震波碎石術C-reactive proteinextracorporeal shock wave lithotripsyTSCI
出刊日期 199509


本研究嘗試以血中C反應性蛋白之變化,評估體外震波碎石術對身體組織的作用。48位病患接受51次體外震波碎石治療,其中36次是腎結石,15次是輸尿管結石。碎石器採用Siemons Lithostar II •平均給予每次震波數為3508下,平均給予每次能量是17.2KV 。病患在接受治療前、術後立即、六小時後、一天後及一周後各抽血測量血中C反應性蛋白之濃度。38%的病患血中C反應性蛋白之濃度術後立即上昇;41%的病患血中C反應性蛋白之濃度在六小時後高於治療前;65%的病患血中C反應性蛋白之濃度在一天後高於治療前;45%的病患血中C反應性蛋白之濃度在一周後高於治療前,但這些變化並無統計上差異。整體來講,以血中C反應性蛋白之變化來評估體外震波碎石治療不會造成腎臟組織的傷害。


The purpose of this study was to evaluate the tissue effect of extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy (ESWL), based on changes in serum C-reactive protein (CRP) levels. Forty-eight patients received 51 treatments of ESWL for 36 renal and 15 ureteral stones. Shock waves were applied by Siemens Lithostar-II unit with mean 3508 impulses (range 874 to 4000) and with mean voltage 17.2 KV (range 15.3 to 18.9). Patients who were treated with ESWL for urinary stones were evaluated by serum CRP level before ESWL, immediately after, then six hours, one day and one week after ESWL. Two-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) was used to compare the changes in serum CRP levels. The post-ESWL CRP levels increased, ranging from 38% to 65% in all the group studies. But statistically, there was no significant change in serum CRP levels among these groups. To conclude, ESWL did not cause significant tissue damage, according to evaluation of CRP level.
