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篇名 DDAVP in the Treatment of Nocturnal Enuresis - A Double Blind Cross-Over Study
卷期 3:2
並列篇名 使用DDAVP治療兒童夜尿症-雙盲交叉研究
作者 郭漢崇許悌張世忠
頁次 759-764
關鍵字 enuresisdesmopressinTSCI
出刊日期 199206




In order to evaluate the efficacy of desmopressin in the treatment of primary nocturnal enuresis, 34 patients aged from 5 to 24 years (mean 10 ± 4) were enrolled in a double blind cross-over study. One patient was witharawn because of headache after treatment for 2 weeks.The response rates were 91% on drug and 39% off drug for 1 month. During the course of treatment, 22(67%) were dry, 8(24%) improved to ≦3 wet nights and 3(9%) remained wetting >4 nights per week. The placebo effect of DDAVP was negligible, but a gradual decline of the effective rete was observed during the follo-up period. A dose of 20 ug was enough to achieve dry in most of the p0atients and an active treatment cours of 8 weeks is adequate to have a high re-sponse rate. Desmopressin is an effective drug in the management of enuresis, especial-ly in the situations that an immediate effect is desirable. When properly used, an ac-ceptable high long-term benefit also can be obtained.

