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篇名 The Study of Bacterial Colonies and Ultrastructure of Foley Catheter in Patients with Long-Term Suprapubic Cystostomy
卷期 3:2
並列篇名 長期膀胱造瘻術病人導尿管之菌落及電子顯微鏡觀之研究
作者 吳國鈞李瀛輝陳明村陳光國黃榮慶張心湜
頁次 765-769
關鍵字 bacterial coloniesencrustationsuprapubic cystostomyscanning electron microscopyTSCI
出刊日期 199206




From Dec. 1989 to June 1990, we have collected 13 male patients with long term suprapubic cystostomies. Their urine were examined and cultured. The catheters itself were cultured and observed under scanning electron microscopy. Eleven of 13 pa-tients had infected urine. Bacteria can be isolated form urine culture in 11 of 13 cases, the commontst bacterial species were pseudomonas and citrobacter. Twelve of the 13 Foley catheters can get positive results, proteus, pseudomonas and citrobacter were the commonets isolated bacteria. Under scanning electron microscopic examination, all of the tips of the Foley catheters had crystal deposit. The majorities of crystals were qpatite and struvite. Bacteria can be seen in 6 if the 9 examined catheters. Bac-teria had colonized on the surface of the catheters and formed a thick layer on the luminal surface of the catheters. Our results showed that Foley cantheter culture can get higher positive rete than both urine culture and scanning electron microscopic examina-tion in finding the bacteria. Adequate antibiotic treatment of uninary tract infection in patients with long trem suprapubic catheteriazation should base on the results of catheter culture.
