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篇名 The Pelvic Lymph Nodes Metastasis in Canaer of Rostate - Preliminary Report
卷期 3:1
並列篇名 攝護腺骨盆腔淋巴轉移-初步報告
作者 許衍申陳光國陳明村黃榮慶林登龍李瀛輝張延驊張心湜
頁次 682-687
關鍵字 prostatic cancerpelvic lymph nodemetastasisTSCI
出刊日期 199203


為了研究攝護腺癌骨盆腔淋巴轉移之機率、位置及形式,我們分析了29個於臨床回為局部性攝護腺癌的病人。這些病人全都進行攝護腺根除手術及雙側骨盆腔淋巴腺摘除。手術前之分期,有三個病人是A1,四個是A2,六個是B1,五個是B2和三個C。其中有四個病人因淋巴腺沒區分位置而予以刪除。其餘17個病人,淋巴腺摘除之數目由16個到26個不等(平均為20.5個)。其中總腸骨淋巴腺為3至8個 (平均6.1個),內腸骨淋巴腺為2至7個(平均5.2個)兒閉鎖淋巴腺為3到6個(平均4.9個)。經病理切片檢查後得之有11個病人有轉移,其中6人有總腸骨淋巴腺之轉移(54.5%),5人有內腸骨淋巴腺之轉移(45.5%),6人有外腸骨淋巴腺之轉移(54.5%)而4人有閉鎖淋巴腺之轉移(36.4%)。從我們的研究中並沒有發現軟骨盆腔那些淋巴腺特別容易轉移,而葛里生另數愈高之病人其骨盆腔淋巴腺轉移之機率及雙側轉移之機率愈高。最後,臨床上為B1的病人其骨盆腔淋巴腺轉移與攝護腺中之病灶發生於一邊。


Twenty-one patients with clinically clinically localized prostatic carcinima undergoing radical prostatectp,u wotj [e;voc ;u,[j mpdes dossectopm were studied retrospectively. They were 61to 73 yaer old (mean 68.5). The preoperative staging were A1 in 3 patients, A2 in 4, B1 in 6, B2 in 5 and C in 3, respectively. The number of lymphnodes which were removed in 17 patients was from 16 to 20(mean 20.5). The distributions of each subgroup of pelvic lymph nodes were common iliac:3-8 (mean 6.1), internal iliac: 2-8 (mean 5.3), external iliac: 2-7 (mean 5.2) and obturator:3-6 (mean 4.9). Common iliac lymph node was positive in 6 of 11 patients (54.5%) and positive internal lilac lymph node was noted in 5 of 11 patients (45.5%). Positive external iliac and obturator lymph node were noted in 6(54.5%) and 4(36.4%) of 11 patients, respectively. We found that there was no predilection subgroup of pelvic lymph node metastasis in our series. Bilateral involvement and increased probability of pelvic lymph nodes metastasis were most common in patients with cancer of prostate with high Gleasion scores. In the patients with clinical stage B1 cancer, the side of lymph nodes metastasis is the same as the side of cancer in the prostate.
