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篇名 Transurethral Incision Followed by Apex Resection with Acute Urinary Retention Caused by a Small Prostate
卷期 2:4
並列篇名 經由尿道切開術用以治療小攝護腺引起的尿滯留
作者 謝輝和
頁次 633-637
關鍵字 transurethral incision of prostateretentionTSCI
出刊日期 199112




Forty six male patients admitted with acute urinary retention were found to have small prostate gland as the cause of outlet obstruction. Transurethral incision of the prostate followed by apes resection was performed to achieve spontaneous voiding. Thirty six patients were available for evaluation bye symptom questionaires 28.9 months post-operation. Two patients failed voiding and had transurethral resection of the prostate gland subsequently. One patient had transurethral incision of the prostate 28 months later because of pool stream. The rest of the 33 patients voided satisfactorily. None of the 36 patients suffered from bladder neck contracture. Eight patients had uroflow study at least one month postoperation. The average peak flow rate was 11.0 cc/sec. with voided volume 203c.c. Based on above mentioned subjective ans objective assessments, transurethral incision of the prostate glans followed by apex resection is suggested for selective patients with symptoms and signs of outlet obstruction caused by small prostate gland.
