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篇名 居家訪視一位早產兒母親母乳哺餵之照護經驗
卷期 9
並列篇名 The Nursing Care Experience of Home Visit on a Mother of Premature Infant with Breastfeeding
作者 楊金蘭黃慧新李柳圜萬美麗
頁次 021-030
關鍵字 居家訪視早產兒母親母乳哺餵Home visitMother of a premature infantBreastfeeding
出刊日期 201201




This article is describing a mother of premature infant who almost gave up breastfeeding herself when she returned to home. With on site observations, the instruction and telephone call interview through home visit, it is found that the mother of premature infant faced with the breast ache, the ineffective breastfeeding and postpartum fatigue plus the complex premature problems as well as unstable behaviors of her baby which had caused a heavy pressure and anxiety. Originally the motivation of breastfeeding of the mother was not so strong and the self-confidence was low,either. Finally the nursing staffs used the methods of realistic instructions, listening attentively and accompany to assist her. The mother was provided with the correct information of breastfeeding. Then the mood problem and the difficulty can be solved immediately, which make
the case much confident. It’s hoped that with this nursing experiences can be of help for mothers of premature infant taking care and keeping breastfeeding for their babies when they return to home.
