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篇名 專科學校提昇整體教學品質計畫對教師專業發展實踐全面品質管理之影響
卷期 9
並列篇名 Implementation of Teaching Quality Enhancement Program's Effect and Suggest in Department of Early Childhood Care and Education of Hsin Sheng College of Medical Care and Management
作者 胡倩瑜
頁次 045-070
關鍵字 提昇整體教學品質計畫幼兒保育科全面品質管理教師專業發展Teaching quality enhancement programDepartment of early childhood care and educationTotal quality managementTeachers' professional development
出刊日期 201201


教育部技職司從95 年,特針對專科學校辦理「提昇整體教學品質專案計畫」,研究者任教的專科院校與科系(幼兒保育科)熱烈參與,並積極響應計畫。於此,研究者將本科從95至99 年執行此計畫的內容加以整理,並於2010 年11 月到2011 年2 月間,以半結構式的教師訪談進行研究,藉以了解本科教師對此計畫實施成效的認知與建議,研究中配合教師專業發展實踐學校全面品質管理之特性做為檢視計畫各階段之成效。研究發現,教師們一致認為能從參與歷年的計畫,使自己在教師專業發展上持續的增能,本科計畫進行的方式相當多元,教師希望未來可舉辦國際研討會開拓全球化視野,更建議計畫的執行應採小組輪流制,計畫的主題則應平衡本科的四大課程領域。以教師專業發展實踐全面品質管理的特性檢視計畫後發現,本科計畫目標的擬定缺乏團討的機制;計畫的內容缺乏由教師共商影響教育歷程和成果之不良因素的策略;計畫的執行並無落實全程管理與協同合作;教師共同探究教學的「最佳實踐」,這些活動在計畫中沒有延續性;本科舉辦成果發表會作為計畫的績效衡量,但未建立以「PDCA」循環檢視整體計畫成效的機制。針對上述研究發現,研究者將對教育部、執行學校、幼保科單位及幼保科教師提出具體的建議。


Ministry of education in order to raise the teaching quality enhancement for all junior colleges,our school, department of early childhood care and education were actively participating to study this project for fulfilling training during 2006 to 2010, hoping teachers have universal love with concern, innovative refinement initiatives and processes professional knowledge in mind, which can reach the goal of excelling child care and education industry professionals and aggressively
participating any plan that can directly lifts the quality of education in our school. Reviewing the research results and finishing all data for improving and then adopt semi-structured research method, to make interviews with teachers during November 2010 to February 2011, thus, each
teacher have perception and passively attitude to present some suggestions for control and management the teaching quality. Results showed many plans focus on main topic to improve each teacher concepts, they included curriculum development, raising the practical achievements
and teaching aids creativity, construction and practice of professional ethics and easily got license and examined plan. Analysis on the effects of teachers perception, it found all teachers more likes participating the approach of practice learning and reading club practice actively, the mean indicated teachers having conscious reflection and empowerment teaching approach ,therefore,they will be likes participating project research in the future. On the other hand, teachers responded wishing administrative unit on the research topics will be focus on the demand of early childhood care and education class and establish the archiving of format of writing program,funding verification process and adopt rotation system in teacher teams for conducting the plan, the research topics can make continuity discussion or add other dimension lessons, the approach
suggest holding international symposium or roundtable meeting and support overseas visits, thus,teachers will be posses professional knowledge to practice teaching total quality management.
