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篇名 護理人員工作滿意度、組織承諾、工作績效之整合模式
卷期 9
並列篇名 Integrated Relationship Model of Job Satisfaction, Organizational Commitment and Job Performance in the Nursing Profession
作者 胡秀媛吳瑞珍鄭青展張宜甯朱蘭馨
頁次 071-084
關鍵字 授權內部行銷領導型態工作滿意度組織承諾EmpowermentInternal marketingLeadershipJob satisfactionOrganizational commitment
出刊日期 201201




This study aims to explore the impact of empowerment, internal marketing and leadership on nurse staffs’ job satisfaction, organizational commitment and job performance. In this study,nurses in three local hospitals are as the object of this study. This study used structural equation modeling (SEM) to verify the path relationship of this model. The results showed that nurses staffs’ job satisfaction had a positive effect on organizational commitment. Nurse staffs’ job satisfaction enhances job performance only through organizational commitment. Internal
marketing and leadership positively influence nurse staffs’ job satisfaction. Empowerment and leadership enhance nurse staffs’
organizational commitment. According to the results, we may understand that the main influence factor of nurses staffs’ job satisfaction, the organization commitment and job performance. This will take reference to the medical service industry for human resources management.
