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篇名 現代實驗書法中的尚意傾向
卷期 9
並列篇名 The Intention of Implication-emphasizing in Modern Chinese Calligraphy
作者 施筱雲
頁次 085-107
關鍵字 書法現代書藝實驗書法尚意書法CalligraphyModern artExperimental calligraphyImplication-emphasized calligraphy
出刊日期 201201




Chinese calligraphy is unique – for being not only an implement of writing, but also an art of vision. Although, in the present day, calligraphy has lost its practicality, and only the artistic quality is left.The “implication-emphasized” style, built by Song Dynasty calligraphers with their works and theories, is influential to later ages. This essay focuses on the intention of implication-emphasizing
in modern experimental calligraphy, and then to elucidate the consistency between classical and modern aesthetical theories.To maintain the importance of Chinese calligraphy in art, modern calligraphers could blend it and hybridize it with other media. At the same time, they also should absorb the conceptions and spirit in classical aesthetics.
