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篇名 新生醫專通識英文「分級教學」之研析
卷期 9
並列篇名 An Analysis of
作者 陳漢昕
頁次 109-119
關鍵字 學習動機分級教學競爭力英文程度Learning motiveEnglish proficiency classificationCompetitivenessEnglish efficiency evaluation
出刊日期 201201




We all have a question when we teach English in college or university: “Why those students in Taiwan are so difficult to teach? Their English is so poor even though they have learned English for,
at least, 6-9 years.”The purpose of this study is trying to answer this question and to solve the teacher’s teaching and student’s learning problems on most campus in college and university level based on
interviewing teachers and students who are involved in English education in Taiwan in order to provide the useful information to those who are trying to improve their English learning and teaching programs.The fundamental cause of this problem is that students who are treated to learn English equally by using one material and one teaching method without noticing their differences of learning history. The consequence of this phenomenon is that teachers always complain about their students whose learning motive is so low that they can not teach them anymore. On the other hand, students also feel depressed because they are willing tolearn but they just don’t understand what the teacher is saying, or they are very upset because what the teacher’s teaching is very easy and they have learned them long time ago.From the aspect of this problem, we are surely to understand why our students whose English are so worse than that of the others in most Asia countries.In my opinion, the only solution, by all means, is to separate thosestudents by doing the
“English proficiency classification.” Different materials can be used to teach different level students according to their English efficiency evaluation at the beginning when they came into this college. The advantage of doing this is that both students and teachers are motivated to learn and to teach rather than give up. Sooner or later, those students will benefit from this program by changing the way of teaching and the way of learning motivation, and their competitiveness in this
new era will be definitely enhanced.
