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篇名 客家「傳仔」的押韻現象探析--以《十八嬌連勸善歌》為例
卷期 9
並列篇名 Hakka
作者 楊名龍
頁次 121-147
關鍵字 傳仔歌仔冊山歌押韻現象HakkaFolk song bookletsKua-a-tshehFolk songsRhymes
出刊日期 201201




Hakka folk literature, “Folk song booklets” rap is a Hakka literature, has a close relationship between the Hakka folk songs or tea-picking opera, and Taiwan Min “kua-a-tsheh” seem to have relevance. The article uses rhyme in mind, from rhyming, to understand the rhyme and music of
the folk song Ballad of the relationship between, and discuss the causes of rhyming words with a level tone. And, made between ballad and how relevant to understand this type of rhyming feature of folk literature.
In addition, I tried to pass from the register of Folk song booklets and kua-a-tsheh quite rhyme,to understand the extent of individual differences in order to understand the correlation between the two. Through songs and intercomparison of kua-a-tsheh, better rendering and mass rhyme phenomena and characteristics.
