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篇名 從客諺看客家民俗文化--以年俗文化為例
卷期 9
並列篇名 To Analyze the Hakka Customs through Hakka Proverbs--Take the Customs of Chinese New Year as Example
作者 何石松
頁次 167-185
關鍵字 客家諺語年俗入年界壓歲錢Hakka proverbsCustoms of Chinese New YearNgib-ngien-gaMoney given to children as a spring festival gift
出刊日期 201201


年是古老的節日,諺語是古老的而精煉的語言,本文乃從客家諺語探討客家年俗,進而了解客家文化內涵。全文分為四段:一、前言二、 論述客家之入年界、矺年錢的錢與上古神話相會通;而入年界與小年夜,其實是同一日。三、論述客家年俗是一重視生活教育、語言教育、衛生教育的文化,也是由文學象徵隱喻而呈現飲水思源、中道和諧、孝悌敬長的文化。四、結論


Chinese New Year is an ancient holiday. Proverbs is an ancient and precise language. We’d like to confer the Hakka customs of Chinese New Year through Hakka proverbs in order to understand Hakka culture in this essay. The article is divided into 4 parts:1. Introduction 2. Discussing “Ngib-Ngien-Ga” and “Cien”of “Zag-Ngien-Cien” match with the ancient myth;“Ngib-Ngien-Ga” and “Siau-Nien-Ie” are actually the same day.
3. Through the Hakka customs of New Year, we could understand Hakka culture is a culture which respects a lot of life, language and hygiene education. Meanwhile, it is a culture full of symbolic,metaphor, and neutral harmony, remembering where his happiness comes from and respecting
the elders.4. Conclusion
