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篇名 五分山斷層上之邊坡地滑整治案例探討
卷期 2013
作者 傅文鵬林士淵蔡正發
頁次 048-053
關鍵字 五分山斷層邊坡地滑整治極限平衡法Wufenshan Fault Areacontrol strategy in the Slope Landslidelimit equilibrium analysis
出刊日期 201301


南港茶葉製造示範場(以下簡稱茶製場)於民國91 年興建完工。自完工後因地質條件及颱風豪雨影響,茶製場邊坡發生滑動位移、建築物龜裂等情形。經臺北市政府產業發展局辦理「臺北市南港茶葉製造示範場建物及週邊地質環境調查」工作(臺北市政府建設局,2006),發現建物基礎下方為五分山斷層,研判為造成茶製場邊坡地層滑動之主因。每次於颱風豪雨後,該邊坡位移速率即有增加趨勢,邊坡滑動呈蠕動型態。故臺北市政府產業發展局於98 年~99 年辦理整治工程規劃設計(臺北市大地工程處,2010)及施工,以改善此一情形,整治工程施工已於100 年4 月完成。本文為探討斷層破碎帶造成邊坡滑動位移之影響,以及相關整治之成效。本案例中使用極限平衡法分析程式進行邊坡穩定計算,並利用有限元素數值分析程式建構相關分析模式,包含斷層構造模擬、變位分析、地下水位影響分析等,並將分析結果與現地監測資料進行比對,期研究內容與分析模式能提供類似斷層破碎帶之邊坡地滑案例分析與整治設計之參考。


The frequent fault activity which caused by earthquakes in Taiwan often cause geological disasters. After the fault activity, the rock layer was sheared crack and to formed the fault fracture zone. The characters of fault fracture zone are fragile, loose, and low-intensity weaknesses. The fractured zone often because groundwater flow passage with it’s well permeable. However, the fault gouges is impermeability and often affect the groundwater to uplifting to the depth of soil and rock interface, then cause the slope sliding disasters. In this research, the models of the limit equilibrium analysis and numerical analysis are used to analysis the slope stability. The analytical results are compared to the field monitoring data. And the research and analysis mode can provide similar slope stability analysis with fault fracture zone and for design reference.

