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篇名 臺北市土石流潛勢溪流發生潛勢及優先處理等級之探討
卷期 2013
作者 黃添進張錦明酈寶成
頁次 054-058
關鍵字 土石流潛勢溪流發生潛勢因子保全對象危害度因子potential debris flow torrentoccurrence potential factorpreservation of objects factor
出刊日期 201301




Taipei within its jurisdiction with Soil and Water Conservation Bureau release 50 potential debris flow torrents, the debris flow potential treatment level adjustment, were based on in situ investigation in situ conditions, the ratings factor divided into mudslide occurred occurrence potential factor, its preservation of objects caused harm factor to be considered, to assign weights to adjust and test the impact of individual factors on the overall potential score. Contingent of this paper, we consider the Taipei city is a densely populated area of urban planning, disaster prevention and treatment level in addition to follow the preceding paragraph specifications should also consider the external costs of the policy, so this variable proportion allocated to improve safety hazards degree factor, and the adjustment for the mudslide potential rivers priority score = (occurrence potential factor x40%) ten (preservation of the criticality factor x60%), the higher order of priority after adjustment for four priority order in 8 priority order of 13 for low, and the rest continued observation.

