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篇名 臺北市森林保育成果研究
卷期 2013
作者 廖禎茹黃以方何明育
頁次 075-080
關鍵字 保安林森林調查森林結構永久樣區蓄積量森林生長Protection ForestForest InventoryForest StructurePermanent Sample PlotGlowing StockForest Growth
出刊日期 201301




The goal of protection forest is zoned for protecting land and soil, therefore the public welfare, and their living environment can be safequarded.Through setting up the permanent sample plots and periodic revision, to acquire forest growing stock, growth, and structure for preparing conservation strategy and providing protection and a variety of services for the pulbic. In this study, by revising 170 permanet sample plots at present three initial conclusions are made. Firstly,the growing stocks are almost above the level of stand conversion which considered as worse quality. The only special case are located in Se-Hso Mount forest, in which the stand conversion strategy are suggested for improving the function of water and soil conservation. Secondly, the average annual forest growth is also above the level of national forest conversion. Thirdly,the froest can meet the well stable or balanced structure.The forest around Zhi-Nan Temple should be added sampling size to make sure the
forest structure apparently. The permanent sample plots of Taipei protectionn forest is deserved to be revised, and the revision period should be shortened to 5 years for mornitoring the death and ingroth of trees among stands, and the forest over-mature or abnormality.

