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篇名 癌症病患之自殺防治
卷期 17:2
並列篇名 Suicide Prevention in Cancer Patients
作者 林帛賢李明濱陳宜明廖士程
頁次 163-170
關鍵字 癌症自殺社會心理介入憂鬱守門人cancersuicidepsychosocial interventiondepressiongatekeeperTSCI
出刊日期 201303




Cancer patients are commonly seen with suicidal ideation and they are faced with higher risks ofsuicidal death. The blow from cancer diagnosis followed by physical symptoms or functional loss, psychiatricdisorders, fear of burdening the family, and loss of independence contribute to the increased suicidal risks.Suicidal ideation in cancer patients should be viewed as more than just a warning sign but also a way ofexpression and communication while they face and cope with their disease. Comprehensive whole-person patientcare requires dedication beyond suicide prevention which takes the level of suicide risk management to clinicalcare encompassing psycho-socio-spiritual aspects.
