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篇名 綠色醫療雲端研究:針對雲端病歷存取之病患-醫護人員流設計
卷期 3:2
並列篇名 Green Medical Cloud Services: The Design of Patient-Physician Flow for Effective Access Control of HER
作者 盧書毅陳仲儼
頁次 055-075
關鍵字 工作流存取控管雲端運算電子病歷workflowaccess controlcloud computingelectronic health records
出刊日期 201311
DOI 10.3966/222369612013110302005


藉由電子病歷的推廣除了減少紙張消耗,也讓病歷資料得以快速交換,以整合病患在各地的就醫資訊。但相對的,各醫療院所需付出龐大且重複的系統與資料建置、維護及交換的成本及能耗,使得電子病歷上雲端的訴求更形重要,以求能真正達到資源共享的綠色境界。本研究分析透過受信任第三方所提供的綠色雲端電子病歷服務之可行性。然而,若將病歷紀錄儲存於一個使用者眾多的存取環境下,除了病患隱私遭受威脅之外,不良的存取控管而造成過多不必要的資料存取,更成為綠色雲端的阻礙。為此,本研究設計一個在電子病歷雲端共享之綠化訴求下兼顧病患資料安全的方法:病患-醫護人員流(Patient- 病患—醫護人員流),來管理電子病歷存取權限的控制,以保障病患存在於雲端的病歷資料隱私,以及使用者的最小粒度存取,進而達到資料安全與綠色兼顧的境界。


The spread of electronic medical records (EMR) not only cut down the consumption of paper, but speed up exchange and integration of medical data among different hospitals. However, it’s more important that the intention of take electronic health records (EHR) to cloud due to high cost of IT infrastructure. In this study, we analyze the feasibility on green cloud EHRs services provided by trusted third party. Nevertheless, patients’ privacy will be threatened if EHRs stored in a multi-tenancy access environments. Therefore, we design a method called Patient-Physician Flow to achieve both EHRs security access control and the intention of green cloud.
