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篇名 田尾公路花園花卉業者之商業模式創新態度與施行分析
卷期 31:4
並列篇名 An Analysis of the Attitude and the Practice of Innovative Business Model of Flower Firms at Tianwei Township in Changhua County
作者 莊財福林美惠
頁次 071-082
關鍵字 企業創新迴歸分析business innovationregression analysis
出刊日期 201312


本研究旨在探討彰化縣田尾公路花園之花卉業者之創新商業模式態度,與其施行創新商業模式之現 況,進行相關之研究。本研究針對彰化縣田尾公路花園75 位花卉業者作為研究樣本。本研究以自編成之 問卷調查表進行資料蒐集,共計發出75 份問卷,問卷回收率100%,有效問卷率100%。再者,本研究採 描述統計、相關分析與迴歸分析進行本研究之資料分析。本研究結果顯示,田尾公路花園花卉業者在創 新態度與創新程度之間有顯著高度正相關,並具37.50%預測力且能建立迴歸模型。據此獲得本研究結論 為,首先,本研究中之花卉業者對商業模式創新抱持消極負面的態度,亦較少施行商業模式創新。再者, 業者之商業模式創新度態度越負面消極,則其商業模式創新施行也愈低。最後,本研究建立之標準化迴 歸模型能提供相關業者預測其商業模式創新之施行結果。


The objective of this study is to investigate the attitude of the innovative business model performed by the flower dealers at Tianwei Township. This study was carried out with a total of 75 flower dealers at Tianwei Township. The number of returned questionnaires is 75, returned rate is 100%, effective questionnaires are 75, and returned rate of effective questionnaires is 100%, respectively. The descriptive statistics analysis, Pearson product-moment correlation and regression analysis were adopted to analyze the collected data. The study results showed that there is a positive correlation between the innovative attitude and innovative degree performed by the flower dealers. Moreover, the regression analysis showed that the is a correlation relationship and between the innovative attitude and innovative degree, and the predictive strength is 37.50%. The study concluded that the flower dealers have negative attitudes and minor implementation for innovative business model Furthermore, if the innovation degree of the business model become more negative, the implementation of its business model innovation is also lower. Finally, it is found that the innovative attitude can be used to predict the implementation of innovative business model.
