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篇名 具國際共通標準之工具機產線可視覺化系統
卷期 特刊
並列篇名 The Machine Tool Production Line Visual System with International Interoperability Standard
作者 柯燿興陳柄佑吳年欽吳金能
頁次 069-079
關鍵字 工業4.0 物聯網開放平台通訊統一架構
出刊日期 201610


目前工具機產業中, 因缺乏擷取機台資訊的共通標準協定,各家控制器採用不同通訊協定 來交換資訊,成為工業4.0與物聯網的瓶頸。OPC (Open Platform Communication) Foundation 國 際組織提出OPC UA (Unified Architecture) 協定, 整合現有工廠設備與應用系統, 如MES (Manufacturing Execution System)、ERP(Enterprise Resource Planning) 等,可解決機台資訊不相 通問題,本論文簡介並實作工具機產線可視覺化系統,使用OPC UA協定,可即時呈現產線作業 即時資訊。


In today’s machine tool industry, lacking of standard protocols for information exchange among machines has become the major bottleneck for companies to participate the era of Industry 4.0 and IoT (Internet of Things). OPC (Open Platform Communication) Foundation, an international organization, has proposed OPC UA (Unified Architecture) protocol. It integrates existed factory equipment and application systems, e.g. MES (Manufacturing Execution System), ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning), etc. It can resolve current communication issues among machines . This paper introduces and implements a visual system for machine tools in production line. By leveraging OPC UA protocol, it could present production line status immediately.
