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篇名 提升護理人員對高齡長者吞嚥照護執行率
卷期 29:3=103
並列篇名 Promoting the Implementation Rate of Swallowing Care among Older Adults
作者 蕭郁芬黃惠玲黃雅凰林芷萱蕭雅君姚淑琴廖恩淑
頁次 407-419
關鍵字 高齡長者吞嚥評估量表吞嚥照護older adultsswallowing care evaluation scaleswallowing care
出刊日期 201809
DOI 10.6386/CGN.201809_29(3).0007


有效吞嚥照護能提升長者吞嚥功能及進食安全,降低營養不良、吸入性肺炎等機會,本專案 旨在提升高齡長者吞嚥照護執行率。現況護理人員對高齡長者吞嚥照護執行率僅25.64%,歸納導 因:1. 不清楚吞嚥評估方式;2. 無吞嚥照護指引或規範可依循;3. 缺乏吞嚥照護相關訓練;4. 未 有教學輔助工具。介入改善:1. 設計高齡吞嚥評估量表、2. 建置照護指引、3. 繪製Q 版吞嚥照護 指導手冊、4. 製作「要你繪吞嚥這門事」教學MV、5. 舉辦「吞嚥照護有用心,高齡進食才安心」 教學體驗營。對策實施後高齡長者吞嚥照護執行率25.64% 提升至73.82%,達專案目的,進而提 升護理專業形象,創造雙贏局面。


Effective swallowing care can improve the swallowing function of older adults and increase food intake safety for them, thus reducing the likelihood of malnutrition and aspiration pneumonia. This project aimed to promote the implementation rate of swallowing care among older adults. The current implementation rate of swallowing care provided by nursing personnel to older adults is only 25.64%. The main reasons for this are as follows: 1. unclear swallowing evaluation methods; 2. absence of swallowing care guidelines or standards; 3. lack of swallowing care training; and 4. absence of related teaching tools. Interventions aimed at improvement: 1. development of a swallowing care evaluation scale; 2. establishment of related care guidelines; 3. drafting of a “cartoonified” edition swallowing care manual; 4. creation of an educational music video “Getting to know the swallowing process” ; and 5. organization of the experience camp “Paying attention to swallowing care ensures food intake safety for older adults.” After the implementation of these measures, the implementation rate of swallowing care among older adults increased from 25.64% to 73.82%, fulfilling the aim of this project. Moreover, the image of the nursing profession was improved, thus, creating a win-win situation.
