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篇名 團體有氧運動對某醫院女性員工健康體適能之成效
卷期 5:1
並列篇名 The Effect of Group Aerobic Exercise on the Health-Fitness of Female Hospital Staffs
作者 林金蘭章淑娟黃森芳李明憲
頁次 3-10
關鍵字 團體有氧運動女性員工健康體適能group aerobic exercisefemale employeeshealth-fitness
出刊日期 200903


運動可促進健康及預防疾病,女性因投入職場受時間等因素影響而缺乏運動,本研究主要以團體有氧運動對女性員工健康體適能之成效探討。採類實驗研究設計,立意取樣隨機分派以某醫院坐式工作型態平日無規律運動女性員工共 位(實驗組與對照組各 位),平均年齡為 歲(標準差 = . 2),研究介入前後二組皆進行健康體適能檢測(身體組成、心肺耐力、柔軟度與肌耐力),實驗組利用中午,每週 次每次 0- 0分鐘(暖身 - 10分、主要運動20- 0分、肌肉適能10- 1 分、緩和伸展 -10分)至流汗中等強度團體有氧運動(高低衝擊、拳擊及階梯有氧)課程交替進行共 週,對照組依平常運動方式。以共變數分析運動介入之成效。結果顯示:經八週團體有氧運動實驗組健康體適能皆優於對照組,並達統計上顯著差異(p < .0 ),顯示團體有氧運動對健康體適能具成效。利用員工午休時間及依運動處方原則介入運動的方式,研究結果可提供職場、社區健康體適能健康促進推廣及政策參考,發揮護理更多元化的角色功能。


Moderate exercise enhances health and helps prevent disease. Females tend to exercise less than males.This study used a quasi-experimental design to investigate the efficacy of a group aerobic exercise intervention on the health-fitness of sedentary female employees at a hospital. Seventy-six qualified individuals were recruited as subjects, with 38 randomly assigned, respectively, to exercise and control groups. Cardiopulmonary endurance, body mass, muscle strength, muscle endurance, and flexibility
of all subjects were measured prior to and after the intervention. Those in the exercise group participated in a 40-60 minute group aerobic exercise three times a week for 8 weeks. Subjects in the control group maintained a normal daily regimen. Results showed that, at the conclusion of the intervention program, values for cardiopulmonary endurance, body mass, muscle strength, muscle endurance, and flexibility were all significantly better for exercise group subjects than for their control group peers (p < .05). In conclusion, group aerobic exercise is an effective approach to improving the health-fitness of individuals working at hospitals.
