
護理暨健康照護研究 Scopus

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篇名 護理人員靈性健康與靈性照護能力之相關性研究
卷期 5:1
並列篇名 A Study of the Correlation Between the Spiritual Health Status and Spiritual Care Abilities of Nurses
作者 吳秀芳蕭雅竹
頁次 68-78
關鍵字 靈性健康靈性照護能力護理人員spiritual healthspiritual care abilitiesnurses
出刊日期 200903




This study assessed the correlation between spiritual health and spiritual care abilities among nurses.Designed as a cross-sectional study, it targeted 293 clinical nurses working in a local hospital in northern Taiwan. A self-administered questionnaire was employed that gathered data on respondent demographics,spiritual health and spiritual care abilities. All participants were all female of an average 28 years of age. Most held an associated degree in nursing. Item mean scores for spiritual health and
spiritual care ability were 4.0 (item means ranged from 1.9 to 5.0) and 3.5 (item means ranged from 1.8 to 5.0), respectively. A positive correlation was identified between participant spiritual health status and spiritual care abilities. Nearly one quarter (21.9%) agreed that training received at school was sufficient to deliver effective spiritual care to patients. However, less than one in five (19.5%) agreed that their own spiritual health was being adequately cared for and considered. Study results provide an outline of the spiritual health status and spiritual care abilities of nurses and may serve as a reference for nursing educators and administrators to design relevant spiritual education and training programs for nurses.
