
體育學報 TSSCI

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篇名 後手翻接續團身與直體後空翻二周之生物力學分析
卷期 17
並列篇名 Biomechanical Analysis of Back Handspring Connecting Tuck and Straight Double Backward Somersault
作者 王建邦洪得明
頁次 225-242
出刊日期 199408




The purpose of this study was to find out (1) the differdnce of kinematic data and angular momentum between back handspring connecting tuck (IDB) and straight (SDS) double backward somersault in selected positions and phases; and (2) the conditions of performing the SDS and tuck three backward somersault (TIB) by the native gymasts who had performed IDB.

Three cameras with a speed of 60 frames per second were used to film all performance during floor exercise competition in two games. The films of six TDB and six SDB selected from these games were digitized by using two dimmensional model of Peak Performance System and multi-limked rigid booy model with 7 segments and 8 points, then the kinematic data and angular momentum were obtained by previous process for t-test statistical analysis. Conclusions of this study were made as follows: (1)SDB had higher horizen- .tal velocity than than IDB at the phase of back handspring in order to get higher takeoff horizontal velocity at the phase of backward somersault; (2) SDB had lower CG height, a takeoff angle of approaching 90 0 and higher takeoff horizomtal velocity than TDB at the takeoff phase in order to get larger angular momentum; and (3) It is possible to perform the SDB by the five native gymasts who had performed IDB if they decrease the loss of angular momentum and increase the takeoff horizontal velocity and projectile angle at the phase of takeoff.


