
體育學報 TSSCI

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篇名 一週相同飲食和運動控制對男女身體組成的影響
卷期 17
並列篇名 Sex differences in weight loss within one week under the same diet and exercise control
作者 劉建恆
頁次 363-375
關鍵字 性別差異身體組成肥胖控制Sex differencesweight lossobesitybody compositionTSSCI
出刊日期 199408


本研究以6位男性和6位女性為受試者,在七天實驗期間施,以相同高酵低脂低能量飲食控制和相同距離、時間及型態的運動控制,之後分別就與減重變化有闊的身體測量值加以比較,並進一步探討兩性在此種方式下減重效果的差異,研究結果發現:一、受試者本身實驗前後身體組成、皮層厚度和肢體園等多項測量值皆具顯著差異(P< .05)。 二、兩性間實驗前後身體測量值變化皆未達顯著差異。三、性別差異在豚三頭賊,皮層厚度以及五部位皮層厚度總合的變化上具有明顯的文互作用之傾向。研究最後建議可以較大樣本再作本實驗,或是將幾次實驗樣本累積,如此將更有助於對兩性減重差異問題的暸解。


he present study was an attempt to conduct an experimental study to compare sex differences in weight loss. Allsubjects were controlled for the same type and the same amount of exercise and were on the same high-carbohydrate,low-fat diet during a seven-day bicycle trip. The weight loss measured by hydrostatic weighing (mordified residual volume) and anthropometry of skinfold and circumference was compared between six males and six females. The results of this study showed : (1) The body fat skinfolds and circumferences were significantly reduced over the seven day weight loss experiment (p < .05) for both males and females. (2) The differences of body fat, skinfolds and circumferences before and after the experiment were not significantly different between males and females. (3) Although there were no significant differences between males and females on different measures of weight loss, the results of this study did suggest that there was an interaction effect between gender and weight loss on triceps skinfold and total skinfold of five body parts. Due to the small size of this study, generalizabili句, of these findings may be limited; therefore a larger sample or anaαumulation of data is suggested for future studies in order to better understand the effects of gender on weight loss.

