
體育學報 TSSCI

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篇名 回饋與心智練習對飛鏢投擲表現的影響
卷期 17
並列篇名 Effects of Mental Practice and Knowledge of Result on Performance of Dart Throwing
作者 張惠如林清和
頁次 411-425
出刊日期 199408


本研究的目的是探討心智練習的神經肌肉理論,採周五種不同的練習情況,探討飛鏢投擲表現的差異,分別為身體練習、心智練習、心智/身無KR、心智/身有KR、控制組。研究對象為台北市忠孝國中二年級女生100人,年齡13-14歲,隨機分派五鈕,每組20人,每人投擲飛鏢六次,每次十支,以十支 飛鏢總分為成績,第一次和第六次,分別為前測、後測;第二至五次,身體練習組繼續投擲,心智練習組想像自己投擲的身體動作,不作身體練習;心智/身有、無KR姐則除了心。象之外,還矇自民實際投擲,一姐告知結果,一組則無;控制組不做任何練習。以各組前測作共變壘,進行共變數分析和事後比較,在本研究範園中所得結果發現:1.身體練習組的飛鏢投擲表現優於其他四紅。2.心智練習組和心智/身無KR組的表現沒有差異,也沒有優於控制組, 因此心智練習中的動覺回饋或神經肌肉理論沒有得到可靠的支持,必須史進一步探討研究。3.身體練習組的飛鏢投擲表現比心智/身有KR組好,顯示視覺回饋比第 三者給予的口頭KR'對動作表現的影響較快,效果也較好。因此建議在技能學習中,如果提供學習者視覺方面的回價比提供口頭的回饋,更有助於技能的學習,且效果較好。


The purpose of this study was to test The Psychoneurmuscular Theory in mental practice. 100 femele subjects of junior high school students were randomly assigned to one of five practice conditions: physical practice (PP), mental practice (MP), mental practice-actual throw blindfolded with no (KR)(MP-PNKR), mental practice-actual throw blindfolded. have KR (MP-PKR), and control group, throwing darts at target.
Accoroding to the score of the first set 10-darts for pretest, and the score of the sixth set 1O-dartsfor posttest were analyzed by ANCOV A.The results indicated that: 1.Dart throwing performance of pp group was significantly beeter than all other groups. 2. Both MP group and MP-PNKR group were not significantly better than control group on darts throwing performance, so provide no support for The psychoneuromuscular Theory. 3. Dart performance of PP group was better than the MP-PKR group, showed KR from visual more effective and faster than oral. So the research suggested. if we can provide the visual feedback about the outcome for learners, it would be help for motor learning.


