
體育學報 TSSCI

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篇名 競爭及回饋對大專學生活動能力之影響
卷期 17
並列篇名 The influence of the competition and the feedback on college students' motor performance
作者 蔡秋豪
頁次 427-441
關鍵字 認真口評鑑理論肯定口頭回饋否定口頭回饋內在動機控制觀點訊息觀點競爭Cognitive Evaluation Theorypositive verbal feedbacknegative verbal feedbackintrinsic motivationThe controlling aspectThe informational aspectcompetitionTSSCI
出刊日期 199408




The purpose of this study is to investigate the influence of competition and the positive feedback on college students' motor performance. Subjects are come from the students in Chih-Lee Commercial Junior College (female) and those in Oriental Institute Techology (male) (N=240). The result shows that the dimension of feedbacd cause the result as expected. Reseacher indicates that positive feedback will improve the active ability of college students and enables us to apply it to the teaching of physical education courses.

