
體育學報 TSSCI

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篇名 運動狀態焦慮問卷之初步探索
卷期 17
並列篇名 A pilot study of Competitive state Anxiety Inventory
作者 張永賢蕭瑞國
頁次 443-453
關鍵字 狀態焦慮多向度焦慮理論CSAI-2SALcognitive anxietysomatic anxietyself-confidencemultidimensional anxiety theoryTSSCI
出刊日期 199408


研究主要目的在對於Marten(1990)CSAI-2與Spielberger (1970) SAL兩 份狀態焦慮問卷作初步性的探索。從參加縣賽的國民小學運動遭手中,抽取男女受試者142名,在比賽前一小時施以問卷調查。透過一系列的項目分析、因素分析、內部一致性等統計考驗與參酌教練的看法之後,由CSAI-2的分析結果的結果來看,�p詮了Martens認為焦慮分為身體、認真口焦慮與自信心等三個 分量表的觀點,也符合焦慮、多向度的論點;就SAL的分析結果,大概可區分為兩個因素,分別是正面與負面想法;兩份問卷在內部一致性與鑑別度方面,均具有良好的效果。本研究也篩選出CSAI-2中24題、SAL中36題,提供給教練參考,以增進教練對於遺手比賽心情與實際表現之暸解。最後,在一些教練的建言與意見下,編制一套具有實用性、實施起來容易又有效的焦慮問卷,實為後續研究需要進一步探討的超載。


Thepurpose of this study is according to the Martens (1990) CSAl-2 and Spielberger (1970) SAl proceed pilot study. The 142 subjects were the primary school athletic students. When they were participated in the prefectural competitive sports before the beginning of competition about 1 hour, were administered these two inventory. After trials for data analysis, the results found in this study were: 1.There were 3 subcomponents in CSAI-2 which were: Somatic anxiety, Cognitive anxiety, and Self-confidence. 2. In SAl, 2 Factors were found, could be distinguished positive expectation and negatIve expectatIon. The internal consistency and discriminatory power of these two inventorys were may be accepted. We also selected some items included that CSAI-2's 24 text and SAl's 36 text for the coaches of primary school to exam state anxiety of athletic students. Also, some coaches expected that this two inventory may be concentrated, and condensed the numbers of test item for the young athletes.

