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篇名 大學生生活滿意度量表之信效度
卷期 20:2=66
並列篇名 Validation of the Life Satisfaction Scale in College Students
作者 黎士鳴謝素真
頁次 192-198
關鍵字 生活滿意度量表生活滿意度生活品質幸福感Life satisfaction scale of college studentsSatisfactionQuality of lifeWell-being
出刊日期 200906




The study aims to develop a multidimensional life satisfaction scale in used college students. Five-level Likert scale was adopted to evaluate the satisfaction. Two hundred and forty-six students of a university of science and technology in southern Taiwan were enrolled. The internal consistency coefficient (Cronbach α) of this scale was 0.81. The exploratory factor analysis revealed that 52.9% of the total variance was explained by one factor. The factor loading ranged from 0.576 to 0.848. There was a positive association between the scale and the Chinese global self-esteem scale (r= 0.564) and a negative association between the scale and the Chinese global self-deprecation scale (r=-0.251). Results of this study revealed that the reliability, construct, and concurrent validity of the scale are satisfactory. This "Life Satisfaction Scale of College Students" is simple, comprehensive, reliable, and valid. This scale may be used to investigate the college students' school life satisfaction.
