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篇名 Self-Questioning Strategy Training in EFL Reading Classroom
卷期 23
並列篇名 運用自我發問策略於英語閱讀之課程設計
作者 張簡怡茹尚惠芳
頁次 277-283
關鍵字 後設認知自我發問策略英語閱讀課程Metacognitive strategy useSelf-questioning strategy trainingEFL reading curriculum
出刊日期 201012




Reading is one of the most important skills in English learning and the indispensable ability in the Information time, but it is difficult to become a successful reader because reading is a complicated process. However, reading skills can be trained as long as using appropriate strategies. According to previous studies, self-questioning strategy, one of the metacognitive strategies, is the effective strategy to enhance reading comprehension because it contains three essential components including active processing, metacognitive processing, and schema processing. Nevertheless, there are still some restrains on this strategy, such as no benefits for higher metacognition and lower mental development learners. In order to enhance EFL students‟ reading achievement, an English reading curriculum integrating self-questioning strategy training is designed including course aims, objectives, syllabus design, and evaluation approaches. It is expected that EFL students‟reading comprehension and other related abilities can be enhanced effectively after self-questioning strategy training.

