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篇名 生物振動感覺測定-陽萎病人之簡易神經學檢查
卷期 1:1
並列篇名 Biothesiometry- A Simple Neurological Test for Impotence
作者 張樹人陳光國陳明村張心湜吳進安
頁次 40-44
關鍵字 生物振動感覺測定器陰莖體感覺誘發電位檢查神經性陽萎biothesiometerpenile somatosensory evoked potential test,neurogenic impotenceTSCI
出刊日期 199003


為了評估生物振動感覺測定器(biothesiometer)於臨床陽萎病人診斷上之使用,從民國七十七年一月至六月,本院有51位陽萎病人同時接受陰莖體感覺誘發電位檢查(penile somatosensory evoked potential test)及生物振動感覺測定器檢定,結果顯示前者有13例(25%)為不正常,38例正常,而後者於此13位不正常患者中測得7例亦為不正常,於38例正常中測得34位同為正常,根據我們的結果可計算出生物振動感覺測定器之敏感性(sensitivity)為54%,特定性(specificity)為90%,同時此13例陰莖體感覺誘發電位檢查不定常者中有7例可找出其存在之神經病灶。我們認為生物振動感覺測定器對於陽萎病因之探查為一簡單,有效之神經學篩檢儀器。而於檢查結果顯示不正常或合併有新陳代謝疾病及神經疾病時,須進一步做陰莖體感覺誘發電位檢查,若檢查結果為正常時即不須進行複雜之神經生理學檢查。


For evaluation of biothesiometer in diagnosis of impotence, from January 1988 to June 1988, there were 51 impotent patients receiving both penile somatosensory evoked potential test (PSEP) and biothesiometric test. Our result showed 13 of 51 patients (25.5%) had abnormal PSEP test and 7 of these 13 patients had abnormal biothesiometric test, 34 patients had normal biothesiometric examination. According to our result, the sensitivity and specificity of biothesiometry, as compared with PSEP test, were 54% and 90% respectively. Additionally, 7 of 13 patients who had abnormal PSEP test, were found to have underlying neurological disease. We suggest penile biothesiometry is a simple, effective neurological screening test in evaluation of impotence and when the results were abnormal or the patient had associated metabolic or neurological disease, the patient needs to receive PSEP test. If the biothesiometric examination were normal, it is unnecessary to take sophisticated neurophysiological test.

