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篇名 國小學童數學課室目標結構、家庭教養方式、學習投入與數學學業成就之關係
卷期 10
並列篇名 The Relations among Mathematics Classroom Goal Structure, Family Style, Learning Engagement and Mathematics Achievement of Primary School Students
作者 李秋娟林啟超謝智玲
頁次 001-030
關鍵字 數學課室目標結構家庭教養方式學習投入數學學業成就mathematics classroom goal structurefamily parentinglearning engagementmathematics achievement
出刊日期 201402




The purpose of this research was to explore the relations of mathematics classroom goal structure, family parenting, learning engagement and mathematics achievement to the students at elementary school. The samples of the research were the 5th graders of elementary school in Taichung City,
collected from 24 elementary schools, 45 classes, altogether 1089 students. The instruments used in the study included Mathematics Classroom Goal Structures Scale, Family Parenting Scale and Learning Engagement Scale. The follows were the main results of the research: (1) Gender had significant
differences on mathematics classroom goal structure, family parenting, andlearning engagement, but no significant difference on mathematics achievement. (2) There were significant correlations among mathematics classroom goal structure, family parenting, learning engagement, and mathematics achievement. (3) Mathematics classroom goal structure could significantly predict lenring engagement and mathematics achievement; Family parenting could also significantly predict lenring engagement
and mathematics achievement; And learning engagement could significantly predict mathematics achievement. (4) Behaivoral engagement played mediator roles between approach-mastery goal structure/parenting with mstery goal and mathematics achievement, respectively. Based on the finding in this research, suggestions for elementary school implications,parental practices and further studies were proposed.
