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篇名 高中學生於英語科「翻轉教室」學習準備度之調查研究
卷期 261
並列篇名 Investigation of High School Students’ Learning Readiness in English Language Flipped Classrooms
作者 郝永崴
頁次 067-081
關鍵字 英語學習個別差異學習準備度翻轉教室English language learningindividual differencelearning readinessflipped classrooms
出刊日期 201601
DOI 10.3966/168063602016010261005




This study surveyed a private girls’ high school in Taipei about students’ fl ipped learning readiness in their English-as-a-foreign-language (EFL) classrooms, and explored the effects of their personal characteristics on the readiness levels. The personal characteristics included academic levels, test performance, the availability of outside-school support and resources, and their preference on group activities. The results indicated the fl ipped learning readiness consists of five factors; they are technology self-efficacy, motivation of English learning, self-directedness and learner control, in-class communication, and willingness of doing preview. The five readiness factors differ significantly. Regarding the effects of personal characteristics, academic levels made no impact, but the availability of outsideschool support and resources had signifi cant effects on some readiness factors. It is hoped that the fi ndings shed light on high school students’ fl ipped learning readiness for their EFL learning and provide some insights for EFL teachers to design more adaptive instruction in fl ipped classrooms.
