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篇名 行動支付運用於校園列印事務機之研究
卷期 55
並列篇名 A pilot study of mobile payment services for campus business printer application
作者 李白峰黃家平葉次榮
頁次 019-028
關鍵字 行動支付列印事務機第三方支付mobile paymentprinterthird party payment
出刊日期 201701


本篇為作者帶領學生參加教育部第二屆全國校園雲端創新應用競賽之計畫書,該計 畫之目的是為帶動全國各級學校師生研究發展4G行動應用之風氣,並期促使學生創意能 與業界需求無縫接軌,同時帶動4G應用產業蓬勃發展。 參與競賽之同學(以下簡稱本團隊)認為若能將校園事務機透過控制器與雲端列印付 費APP進行第三方支付,除可輕鬆便利的完成列印外,亦可免除目前影印付費不便之問 題,且其所需之設備與維護成本低廉;故經評估後,認為有迫切開發此系統之需求。 在經過仔細的試驗與驗證後,本團隊以簡單便宜的零件組裝成通訊控制器,在雲端 列印付費APP的介接下,經與金融機構合作,已成功完成第三方支付,在安全等級極高 的AES128加解密技術應用下,相信,本產品能夠快速商品化與商業化,後續,並期與 其他IOT或是智能應用進行整合。


This is a project synopsis which participated in the competition of campus cloud innovative applications held by the Ministry of Education. The goal of this project is to spur the general mood of schools’ teacher and student to study and develop 4G mobile applications. Also, we expect students’ creativity to make a perfect match with the need of enterprise and arouse the vigorous development of 4G application’s industry. Students who participated in the competition (we then call ‘The team’) consider that if we can use a controller and a cloud payment APP to pay for campus printers which we call the third party payment, not only that we can print documents conveniently, we can also fix the inconvenience of the current printing fee. For the cost of the equipment and it’s aegis is cheap, we believe there is a strong need to develop this system. After thoroughgoing testing and verification, the team builds up a communication device by using simple components. Also, with the interface of the cloud payment APP, we cooperate with financial institutions and the third party payment is complete. Under AES128 encryption technology, which is a high class security technique, we believe that our project can quickly be commercialized and integrate with other IOT or intelligent applications in the later period.
