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篇名 Employing Data Mining to Detect Anonymous VoIP Calls of SIP protocol
卷期 55
並列篇名 利用資料探勘偵測匿名網路電話詐騙
作者 劉家驊卓世明
頁次 097-110
關鍵字 Data miningSIP VoIPfraud call資料探勘對談發起協定VoIP詐騙電話
出刊日期 201701




Recently the VoIP calls are becoming increasingly popular due to their advantages in cost and convenience. However, the fraudulent activities which occur within new telecommunications systems are flooding too, how to detect fraud attacking and protect users effectively has become an important livelihood issue. Although the subsequent analysis of fraudulent activities are varied and changes with the emergence of new technologies, seldom are reported and implemented by the forms of commercial activity. Therefore, in this paper, we present a new mechanism with data mining techniques that could be used for effectively identifying anonymous VoIP calls and sifting abnormal behaviors through large amounts of log file data. Based on the SIP protocol content of VoIP calls, all the suspicious patterns are compared with the results of registration server, thus the possible fraudulent activities of unsolicited calls may be extracted. Under suitable manipulation with the study system, it is hopeful to improve the system security and furthermore to support the management performance of telecommunication system.
