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篇名 唐代民歌中的邊塞風情
卷期 55
並列篇名 The Great Wall Style of Tang Dynasty Ballads
作者 簡彥妗
頁次 127-140
關鍵字 敦煌曲子詞郭茂倩《樂府詩集》邊塞風情DunhuangDunhuang songsGuo Maoqian“Verse poems”The great wall style
出刊日期 201701


唐代民歌中吟詠邊塞風情的作品,在郭茂倩《樂府詩集》裡,俯拾即是。自清光緒 二十五年(1899),唐代民間流傳的曲譜歌詞,即所謂「敦煌曲子詞」出土以後,更豐富 了唐代民歌的多元風貌。本文旨在探討唐代民歌中的邊塞風情,要點有二:一、金戈鐵 馬的戰地風光:民間百姓一方面唱出軍旅生活的艱苦與辛酸,傳達人們對天下太平的熱 切期待;一方面衷心盼望凱旋歸朝,歌樂還鄉,足見唐代將士的報國雄心與豪情萬丈。 二、魂牽夢縈的鄉思情懷:離家千里的異鄉遊子,遠望長歌之際,唱出縈繞於心的思歸 情懷;心繫遠方的閨中思婦,離別相思的曲調,始終是那麼慑人心魄。要言之,唐代民 歌中的邊塞作品,質樸率真,情意深切,充滿庶民風味,堪與文士邊塞詩相互輝映。


Guangxu 25 years (1899) in the Qing Dynasty, we have discovered some Tang Dynasty folk song lyrics in the Dunhuang Mogao Grottoes. These are the Tang Dynasty popular song lyrics, also are our firsthand information of studying people in the Tang Dynasty. The great wall style ballads in Tang Dynasty are full of Guo Maoqian "Verse poems ". This article discusses about the great wall style of Tang Dynasty ballads. There are two main points. 1. The ballads describe the scenery of the war. They sang the ballads about the military hardships and delivered their aspirations for peace and harmony. They looked forward to the triumphant return and showing the Tang Dynasty soldiers patriotic ambition. 2. They sang the ballads about missing their home or family. The wanderers sang their hearts to miss of home and family. The housewife sang to her emotion about missing of the wanderer. In short, the Tang Dynasty ballads are simple and sincere, and full of folk flavor. In Tang Dynasty, the frontier poetry of scholars and folk songs can be comparable to each other.
